Elmwood Centers, Inc., is committed to protecting your privacy. The information that follows briefly outlines our policies for information collecting and protecting your privacy.
Elmwood Centers, Inc., respects the privacy of your personal health information and is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of this information. Reference to personal information applies to all information and records related to any inquiry made to any of our facilities, as well as to records related to your care. It extends to information received or created by our employees, staff, volunteers and physicians. Elmwood will fully inform you about the possible use and disclosure of your personal health information (PHI.)
Elmwood’s employees, volunteers, and business associates are educated on the guidelines in relation to the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the policy related to these guidelines. Our communities will strictly adhere to the procedures set forth in this policy to ensure compliance with the HIPAA rule, and to ensure optimal privacy for information gathered and shared amongst the facility and any outside sources.
Throughout your visit on this website, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from you. However, because our sites are hosted on shared servers through various web hosts, IP addresses and browser information may be collected for their statistical use to better manage their service performance. We assure you that the IP addresses and browser information that may be collected is not personally identifiable.
Occasionally, we may link to outside websites to provide you with further information on a topic. Elmwood is not responsible for the materials and privacy policies that are included on those websites. Once you are on those respective sites, the privacy policies outlined on those pages apply.
Finally, by visiting this website, you as the user consent to be governed by this Privacy Policy. Elmwood reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. Occasionally, you will want to review this policy for any changes as your consent to this policy will be accepted on each visit hereon to www.elmwoodcommunities.com.